all postcodes in N1 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
N1 9AA451.531136-0.122342
N1 9AB1451.53274-0.122157
N1 9AG1851.534239-0.121995
N1 9AQ051.538509-0.123451
N1 9AR051.533718-0.117575
N1 9AS151.532015-0.117357
N1 9AT051.533971-0.117046
N1 9AU051.533665-0.117073
N1 9AY051.533432-0.118037
N1 9AZ151.533383-0.118371
N1 9BA051.531712-0.11861
N1 9BD051.532605-0.118804
N1 9BE551.532002-0.119304
N1 9BG451.531778-0.119201
N1 9BJ051.531565-0.119005
N1 9BL451.531846-0.119686
N1 9BN351.531476-0.119614
N1 9BP351.5324-0.119446
N1 9BS151.53315-0.120252
N1 9BT551.533095-0.119493